Prayer for My Unsaved Husband
Prayer for My Unsaved Husband

12 Hopeful Prayers for My Unsaved Husband

#1. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Awakening to Your Love

Dear God,
I come before you with a heavy heart, praying for my husband who has yet to experience your unconditional love. May your light shine upon him and awaken his soul to the depth of your love for him. Help him to see the beauty in your grace and the peace that comes from knowing you. Thank you for never giving up on him, Lord. I pray that he may come to know the depths of your love and experience the transformative power of your grace in his life.

#2. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Heart to Open to Your Truth

Dear Lord,
I lift up my husband to you, praying that his heart may be open to receiving your truth. Soften his heart and remove any barriers that prevent him from fully embracing your word. May he come to know the freedom and joy that comes from walking in your truth. Thank you for your patience and love towards him, God. I pray that he may have a deep revelation of your truth and that his heart may be completely open to receiving and living by it.

#3. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Encounter with Your Grace

Heavenly Father,
I pray for a divine encounter for my husband with your amazing grace. Let him experience your mercy and forgiveness in a way that transforms his life. May he be overwhelmed by your love and drawn closer to you. Thank you for your unending grace that never runs out, Lord. I pray that my husband may have a powerful encounter with your grace that leaves him in awe of your love and mercy, leading him to a life-changing relationship with you.

#4. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Journey Towards Faith

Dear God,
I entrust my husband’s journey towards faith into your hands. Guide him along the path of discovering who you are and the purpose you have for his life. Help him to take steps of faith and trust in your promises. Thank you for being with him every step of the way, Lord. I pray that my husband’s journey towards faith may be filled with divine guidance and revelation, leading him to a deep and unwavering faith in you.

#5. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Protection and Guidance

Dear Lord,
I pray for your protection and guidance over my husband as he navigates through life. Shield him from the schemes of the enemy and lead him in the way he should go. May he feel your presence surrounding him at all times. Thank you for being his ultimate protector and guide, God. I pray for your continuous protection and guidance over my husband, keeping him safe from harm and leading him towards the path of righteousness.

#6. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Release from Doubt and Fear

Heavenly Father,
I lift up my husband’s doubts and fears to you, asking for your peace to flood his heart and mind. Release him from the chains of doubt and fear that hold him back from fully trusting in you. May he find comfort in knowing that you are always with him. Thank you for your faithfulness in calming his fears, Lord. I pray for a complete release of my husband from all doubts and fears, that he may find peace and assurance in your presence, trusting in your unfailing love and faithfulness.

#7. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Surrender to Your Will

Dear God,
I pray for my husband to surrender his will to yours, trusting in your perfect plan for his life. Help him to let go of control and allow you to lead him in the direction you have ordained for him. May he find peace in knowing that your will is always good and perfect. Thank you for your sovereignty over his life, Lord. I pray for a deep surrender of my husband’s will to yours, that he may find peace and fulfillment in following your perfect plan for his life.

#8. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Understanding of Your Word

Dear Lord,
I ask for wisdom and understanding for my husband as he delves into your word. Open his eyes to see the truths hidden within the pages of the Bible and illuminate his mind with your divine knowledge. May he grow in his understanding of who you are and the depth of your love for him. Thank you for revealing yourself through your word, God. I pray for a deep and profound understanding of your word for my husband, that he may be enlightened by your truths and grow in his knowledge and love for you.

#9. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Strength in Times of Temptation

Heavenly Father,
I pray for strength and resilience for my husband when faced with temptation. Equip him with the armor of faith to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. May he find refuge in you during times of trial and temptation. Thank you for being his source of strength and refuge, Lord. I pray for an abundance of strength and resilience for my husband in times of temptation, that he may stand firm in his faith and find refuge in you, Lord.

#10. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Healing from Past Hurts

Dear God,
I lift up my husband’s past hurts and wounds to you, asking for your healing touch to restore his heart. Heal the brokenness within him and bring wholeness to his spirit. May he find comfort in your presence and experience the healing power of your love. Thank you for your healing touch that brings restoration, Lord. I pray for a deep and complete healing of my husband’s past hurts, that he may find wholeness and restoration in your love, Lord.

#11. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Fellowship with Believers

Dear Lord,
I pray for my husband to find fellowship with other believers who can encourage and support him in his faith journey. Surround him with like-minded individuals who can walk alongside him and build him up in his relationship with you. May he find community and belonging within the body of Christ. Thank you for the gift of fellowship, God. I pray for deep and meaningful fellowship for my husband with other believers, that he may find encouragement, support, and a sense of belonging within the body of Christ.

#12. A Prayer for My Unsaved Husband’s Salvation and Eternal Life

Heavenly Father,
I lift up my husband’s salvation to you, praying for his eternal life in your kingdom. May he come to know you as his personal Savior and experience the joy of salvation. Draw him closer to you and seal his fate in eternity with you. Thank you for the gift of salvation through your son, Jesus Christ. I pray for the salvation and eternal life of my husband, that he may come to know you as his personal Savior and experience the fullness of joy and peace that comes from a relationship with you.

Closing Thoughts

As we lift up these prayers for our unsaved husbands, let us trust in the power of God to work in their hearts and lives. May we continue to intercede for them with faith and hope, knowing that God hears our prayers and is faithful to answer them in His perfect timing. Let us hold onto the promise that nothing is impossible with God, and that He is able to save even the most hardened hearts.

Let us rest in the assurance that God loves our husbands even more than we do, and that He desires for them to come to know Him and experience His grace and salvation. May we never give up on praying for our unsaved husbands, believing that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.